To get the most from MyStuff, we recommend that you run with some additional TAPs in AutoStart. The
latest versions of these TAPs (or similar replacements patches) are included in the MyStuff installation file, but the links below will
take you to the home page for these TAPs.
- Remote Extender - SimonC’s TAP for allowing extra keys to be used in MyStuff
- Description Extender - Another SimonC TAP so allow the full 256 character discussions within MyStuff
- Font Manager - Bellissimo's TAP to allow MyStuff to display any windows font.
- EPG2MEI - R2D2's eit data collection TAP
eit2mei - DX's eit data collection TAP
Instead of the RE and DE TAPs, you could use the
RE and DE patches.
Also of interest is the Accurate Bookmarking patch, for generating bookmarks at the exact start of a programme.
The following TAPs may also prove useful, as they will provide additional functionality.
- FastScanGUI - R2D2's TAP for much faster scanning of channels.
- Channel Organiser - EMJB's TAP for deleting duplicate and unwanted channels etc.
- FavouritesManager - EMJB's TAP for channel/favourite list managenent.
- TAP Commander - SimonC’s TAP manager. Great for people that want command over their TAPs
- SkinBuilder - SimonC's SkinBuilder application
- MEISearch - rwg’s TAP for genre/ keyword based searching of program titles and duplicate detection and episode grouping. It also allows the setting of ControlTimers.
The following programs/scripts will also provide additional functionality, depending on your actual setup.
- Bawbagg's tools - Tools for collecting Radio Times EPG data in a form suited to MyStuff, and for managing MyStuff CTs on your PC
- rt2mei - Wooders' Radio Times EPG collection utility for Linksys NSLU2 or Asus WL500g connected to a Toppy
- MyStuff Keys - mavison's PC application for printing sheets showing what each key in MyStuff does (based on your settings)